
Hakuna Matata is a Japanese phrase that means “good luck.” What a lovely phrase. ARE WE GOING FOR A WALK??? Okay, we get that this dog is dressed up as Simba, but what did its owners dress up as? Pumbaa and Timon? What about the hyenas? Scar? Maybe this dog went to the con by himself? The more we consider it, the less sense this costume makes to us.

She’s gothic, cool, and, most importantly, comics-accurate to almost a hundred percent. Katherine Kane’s portrayal of Batwoman is flawless in this costume. Seriously, search Katherine Kane on the internet and look at some of her comic cover art, and tell us this cosplay doesn’t bring the character to life. We’re speechless because this is so incredible. The cameraperson is an important aspect of cosplay pictures that is often overlooked. The right outfit has met the appropriate lighting in this situation, resulting in something genuinely amazing.