Getting Hulky

So, while he may not be the most muscular Hulk around, he certainly has the attitude. Perhaps he’s dressed up as Bruce Banner just as he’s about to hulk out? In any case, it’s very cute. We’re not sure if that’s what you were going for, kid, but it’s who you are, so you’ll have to deal with it. Look at him, he’s so cute!
For a Princess, a Little Short

We believe that cosplay is for everyone, and that everyone should be able to dress in whatever they like – both at Comic-Con and in everyday life – but isn’t this cosplayer a little… short for a princess? But seriously, one of the best things about Comicon is that it allows individuals to express themselves in ways they wouldn’t normally be able to – and if you’ve always wanted to be Princess Leia, there’s no reason you can’t do so at the con, even if you’re a big, bearded dude.