All aboard the Star Wars resistance rebel and class-conscious vessel.

a test Hera Syndulla isn’t a softie, and her badassery shines through in all of her appearances. On the other hand, as her story progresses, we find she has a more kind side. So that’s what we like about her cosplay: the brilliance of her costume and warrior status shine through—but there’s still a touch of humanity and sensitivity as well.
In a Halfshell

Making do with what you have is a key element of the DIY mentality behind successful cosplay.And if no one wants to be your Michelangelo and you want to dress up as April O’Neil from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then… A) WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE? WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO BE A COMIC-CON NINJA TURTLE? B) Go to your best friend for help. That is, in fact, the best thing about dogs. When you need them, they’re always there… When you dress them up as Ninja Turtles, they can’t say no.