Chef Darth

This cosplay is canon as far as we’re concerned. You have no idea! Maybe between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, Darthy worked as a cook! Perhaps he enjoyed cooking in the Death Star’s galley! Maybe he’s just a fan of the hat! Whatever rationale you need to come up with in order for this to make sense is fine with us. We are unconcerned. We just want it to be genuine in some way.
Batman from the past

There’s nothing about this photo that we don’t adore! This custom-made costume went to great lengths to replicate Adam West’s Batman, even down to the mask details – and if you don’t like Adam West’s Batman, well… Then there’s nothing left for you to do. This outfit is nothing short of spectacular. People seem to be focusing their costumes on Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight version of the World’s Greatest Detective, but we enjoyed it when it was campy.