Skull of a Man, Burning

We’ve reached the end. “The Man,” the centrepiece of the Burning Man encampment and focal point of the weeklong community gathering, is ceremonially set ablaze on the final evening of the event. Burners watch as the effigy is lit on fire in a pyrotechnic spectacle. Usually, the Figure is just 40 feet tall, but this year, 80,000 Burners saw a 60-foot-tall man burn to the ground.
This Never-Ending Carousel

This huge sculpture, about the size of a rollercoaster at a county fair, appears to spin indefinitely with humanoid figures clinging to it for dear life. Only the creator can explain this one, yet it gives off a sinister vibe. It’s not really clear if this is supposed to be a representation of a ride at a fair or of anything else. But what if it represents a carousel of death, with bodies dangling from meat hooks, like the prideful creation of a serial killer?