Lights in a Tunnel

Another first-to-be-seen at Burning Man! It’s like being inside a tunnel where the lights and music are all in time with each other. The Sonic Runway tunnel is a mile long and is made up of 32 LED-lit steel arches. The arcs’ lights blink at the speed of sound. The soundwaves are designed to be visualised in this display. The experts at Sonic Runway state, “The speed of sound is approximately 767 miles per hour or 343 metres per second. With a length of 1,000 feet, the Sonic Runway can be traversed in about one second by a single drum roll.
Enraged Sea Creature

As if a flaming octopus weren’t scary enough, this sculpture depicts a fanciful monster based on real-life species found in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean. Envision yourself at the controls of that monster!