A Quest for Enlightenment

While many who attend Burning Man do so for spiritual reasons, this is not the case for everyone. In fact, only 24% of those in attendance considered themselves to be atheists. It’s safe to assume that the spirituality of the 46% of Burners who called themselves “spiritual but not religious” is honoured on the Playa. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that psychedelic drugs are part of some people’s Burning Man spiritual journeys. However, meditating is also widely practised.
Serious Male

Even though it’s known as a centre of the drug culture, Burning Man attracts people from all walks of life. Contrary to popular belief, Burning Man has attracted an increasing number of sober attendees in recent years. There are two designated campgrounds for responsible Burners to stay in. The first is called Anonymous Village, while the second is called Run Free. At Burning Man, you may choose a camp that suits your every whim.