
One of the primary goals of the event’s planners is to help participants learn to let go of their preconceived notions about the world and instead focus on the here and now. Freedom is the point. To put it simply, “the experience” takes precedence over any abstract concept. Concepts are not the same as firsthand knowledge. Part of the Burning Man experience is forgetting about the outside world and living in harmony with nature and a community of people who value love, acceptance, and the present moment.

While the tenets of Burning Man encourage openness, tolerance, and respect for one another, the festival itself is overwhelmingly white. The majority of attendees at the counterculture event are Caucasian. The vast majority (87%) of Burners were Caucasian in a poll conducted in 2014. Latinos made up only 6% of poll respondents, and Asians made up only 6% of Burners. Black people made up the least diverse portion of the sampled population. Less than one percent of the group considered themselves to be of African descent. I don’t think black folks enjoy to camp as much as white folks,” replied lead organiser Lee Harvey. . . No racial quotas will be implemented. . . We had never envisioned a society like this.