
Since this is a gift, promotional materials and corporate endorsements are not permitted. The goal of the decommodification principle is to prevent the commercialization of Burner traditions. In other words, the festival’s trading community will meet everyone’s needs and wishes, so don’t look for a Starbucks to open up on the outskirts any time soon. Both generosity and kindness are honoured.
Independentism to the Extreme

Under the tenet of Radical Self-reliance, people must rely solely on themselves and their own abilities. According to the official description, “Burning Man encourages the person to explore, exercise, and rely on his or her inner resources.” Simply put, your true greatness lies within, and it is encouraged that you discover it. As an additional requirement, Burners must be capable of functioning independently. BYO everything you’ll need. Set up a safe haven and stock up on provisions.