These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Disappeared Pants

Why is this guy sleeping on a plane? Did he forget to pack his pyjamas? It’s understandable to nod off during a flight, but it takes a special kind of oblivion to forget you’re not at home and can’t casually drop your pants without drawing attention. How the heck did he get on the plane sans pants? Even though he wasn’t in his bedroom, he seemed to have forgotten he wasn’t there because he was so at ease in his pyjamas. We trust that he will learn to dress more modestly on future flights. Or, maybe this could be included in the safety announcement: “we politely request that all passengers please keep their pants on for the length of the trip.”

To Play a Game of Hide and Seek

Those youngsters don’t seem to have any parents around anymore. We know they’re freaking out right now, searching for their toddlers who can’t help but play hide and seek. Ignorant little monkeys! Please assure us this picture wasn’t taken at takeoff. These children are so impulsive and defiant that they can even fool the flight attendants. Flight attendants who have likely dealt with their fair share of naughty children. The cheeky bairns even had the nerve to request photographs from them. Congratulations, youngsters. Have a wonderful time in the cabin; we hope you did! (it sure looked like you did).