These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Obey The Regulations

Is there a single person here who doesn’t know who Chewbacca is? Not in our opinion. He’s Han Solo’s devoted companion in the epic Star Wars saga. The aircraft requires that all passengers store their belongings in the overhead bins or under their seats, exactly like this astute Wookiee.
Do you like to follow the rules, or are you more like Chewbacca? If you fall into the second category, don’t be surprised if Chewbacca teaches you a thing or two about being safe. Also, don’t forget to snap a photo of yourself with this made-up persona.


The requirement for this picture was an outrageous stance. When the flight attendant saw that these guys were being too serious for her comedic purposes, she decided to be the ultimate photobomber and ruin the moment for everyone. Has someone ever photobombed you? Or perhaps you have a secret passion for sneaking into people’s pictures. If so, did you have a good time, or did you get on the nerves of the other people in the picture? It’s still worth it to pull off a decent photobombing trick, even if it annoys them. If you don’t want to get in trouble, just don’t destroy a picture that turned out beautifully.