These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes



This snapshot was taken during a brief break in the film for a very serious announcement by the pilot. When asked to express our initial reaction, may we use a single word instead? Epic. There’s a lot that could be stated, but we opted against providing a detailed description so as not to risk misunderstandings and take away from the absurdity of the situation. In other words, if you know what we’re talking about, you’ll get it. Just shut up about it, all right? The end of the narrative. To lighten your mood, I recommend checking out the remainder of the insanely funny photos. You definitely won’t be let down.

Mastering the Makeup Artist’s Art

Many strict regulations must be followed by flight attendants, and one of these is the proper application of cosmetics. But things went horribly wrong for one guy when his little son decided to decorate Daddy’s face with paint. That’s not too shabby, huh. We’re pleased that so many of you savvy flyers were able to capture these amazing in-flight events (with or without permission). But we must warn you: the last five slides contain some seriously wild action, so get ready.