These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Saddle Up!

Wow, this couple has made themselves at home on this aircraft so much that they have fashioned an unusual footrest. Surely someone must be able to convince us that these are not real feet attached to a mannequin. The mannequin challenge, perhaps? It’s an unpleasant sight for everyone, but especially those who are eating. That’s not good. It’s annoying that some customers would sacrifice common civility in exchange for a few seconds of greater comfort.

Tired to deathv

We see what you mean. We hope she didn’t actually fall off her seat because she seemed so exhausted. Since no flight attendant seemed to have taken the initiative to offer her a more comfortable posture, we can only presume that they couldn’t give a hoot. Remember to get plenty of rest the night before your travel because you definitely don’t want to get caught on camera doing something like that. You shouldn’t feel obligated to nap throughout the flight, but if you do, make sure you get some good rest.