These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Freak Out Moment

The colossal dog asked, “May I enter dreamland at this time?” Passengers at the back: (at a loss for words) “Please” is likely what the dog was trying to tell the chatty people behind him. It’s easy to imagine ourselves talking in the same nice manner if we were in his position and desperately wanted to go to sleep. Even without this random thinking bubble, the dog’s reaction is priceless. He must have seen a baby in the background because he was so moved while taking this shot. Something in his rearview mirror clearly astonished him. The truth is, nobody save the dog (and the photographer) knows what’s going on here.

Nap Time

The pilot profession is really difficult, and we get it. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, they have to make sure everyone on board has a safe and comfortable flight. Due to the nature of their work, it is essential that they be in good mental and physical health. They can usually keep going without a nap, but there are times when it’s necessary. Let’s only pray that the pilot dozed asleep before takeoff and not halfway through the flight. Surely, if the pilot was dozing off in the cockpit, the flight and the passengers’ safety would have been gravely compromised. This pilot can witness to the importance of power naps: even a short snooze of 30 minutes can rejuvenate a person so that they can better tackle the rest of the day.