These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

A Pair of Smelly Feet

Amazingly, this young girl’s response was completely unexpected. It’s possible that covering her nose won’t be enough to mask the stench if a stinky foot extends across her seat. We have no doubt that the child’s parents previously scolded the adult passenger who did not immediately remove his or her foot.Let’s not get too cosy in the air, as travelling on an aeroplane is a serious mode of transportation and falling asleep in the seat is bad for business. A significant increase in foot odour makes the situation even more unpleasant. Eew. Apply some foot powder or deodorant before your flight, and under no circumstances, especially among children, should you remove your shoes to walk around the cabin should your feet be exposed.

Cool Scenery

Bringing along the kids’ favourite toys is one of the most useful pieces of advice for taking a trip with kids. These sanity savers will come in handy when boredom inevitably sets in. All you parents can attest to this, we’re sure.A great view of the sky always includes dinosaurs, as evidenced by this photograph. Those were dinosaurs, for sure. If you’d rather not be humiliated by your children’s yelling and bickering on a crowded plane, you can consider bringing along some of these plastic animals (though, of course, you still will). Toys, temper tantrums, and adorableness galore—welcome to the real world of parenthood. Contrary to appearances, spending time with these youngsters is enjoyable.