These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

A Turkey?

This photo may or may not have been altered. The document appears to be genuine, but is there really room for a turkey on the plane? Initially, we believed the photo’s owner was just being humorous, but after further consideration, we realize that we agree completely with their stance. We would surely take a funny picture if we ever saw a turkey on a plane, which is an extremely unlikely occurrence. This turkey was treated like a star when his master forked up the cash to ensure he had a comfortable ride. Should we start calling turkeys “man’s best buddy” instead? The owner appears to be quite concerned for the safety of other passengers and is holding the animal tightly.

It’s Bedtime

If they were able to sleep through takeoff, the passengers on this aeroplane must have been very sleep-deprived. Their lips were open while they slept, and we have no doubt that some of them were snoring.
They may have also listened to the pilot’s announcement to sleep during the four-hour delay in departure owing to technical issues. So they had to listen to their bodies (and the other passengers) and get plenty of rest instead of getting drunk.