These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Extremely Risky Selfie

He’s insane to put himself in harm’s way like this. Selfie while piloting a plane through turbulent air? Who knows what went through his mind.
In light of this, we’d want to address all the narcissists in the world. Pay attention: it’s great that you want to take selfies, but please don’t do it while operating a motor vehicle of any type. Keep your phone within reach at all times, especially when participating in potentially dangerous activities. Putting your safety at risk is something you should never do. You should hire a professional photographer to take the pictures. Unless you want your name added to the growing number of people who have died while taking stupid selfies.


Nooo, he got in trouble for breaking the rules by opening a bottle before takeoff! No emergency landing was necessary due to his behaviour, thus he was only taped to his seat. But if it wasn’t a joke, this would be completely intolerable. Unless his behaviour became so extreme that it posed a danger to other passengers or he actually hurt someone. Nonetheless, it’s a great illustration of the type of insanely hilarious image that may be taken on a plane. We can only pray that he has since learned from his mistake and is flying safely on his subsequent trips. Now that this photo is becoming viral, nobody wants to be in his shoes. Sorry.