These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Burger’s Significance

A huge burger is this woman’s all-time favourite food, and she clearly knows how to appreciate it. Take a look at how this burger fanatic protected her meal with a seatbelt and special chair. Wow! This ladies and gentlemen is the proper method for preserving the quality and freshness of your burger even during extended trips. Make sure you have enough money to cover the price of the additional ticket. Have we mentioned yet that the cost of the ticket much exceeds that of the burger pillow? Oops! Perhaps there are emotional ties that explain the burger’s special treatment.


Anger definitely boiled over in this man’s face as he took aim at the woman in front of him, whose curly hair was taking up far more of his visual field than was necessary. We can see why he didn’t like having to manoeuvre around the guy every time he wanted to peruse the in-flight magazine or peruse the meal options. There is no hard and fast rule on how to wear your hair on an aeroplane, but it’s polite for ladies with long hair to pull it back into a ponytail so it doesn’t get in the way. This scornful glance from your fellow travellers is the last thing you need right now, is it?