These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

They’ve Got Penguins On The Plane

Most airlines now welcome a wider range of animals as emotional support pets for passengers who require them. Penguins, as you may know, are now officially recognized as acceptable service animals. Even though penguins have a surprising propensity for aggression (reports exist of passengers being wounded by fighting penguins on flights), this picture is nevertheless really cute. We’d love to snap some pictures of these chirping critters, just like this fortunate traveller did. It’s not often that we get to spend time with them, so we should definitely make the most of it by snapping a selfie. Is that what you meant? Give us a single opportunity to realize this vision, and we’ll be OK.

Relaxing by myself

The terrible twos are a rough age for toddlers. However, they also have a cute and clever side. Take a look at this adorable little fellow who relocated to a different chair. What a kind young man to offer up his seat to his grandmother, who nearly missed her flight because the plane was oversold. And yet, this youngster has a major cool factor. To keep his body in equilibrium, he has been clinging to the wall. We hope you didn’t hurt yourself, kid. Don’t change that smug grin of yours; we can’t get enough of your adorableness.