Tee Shirts That Are Funny For Us and Embarrassing For Them

Go to Massachubatts

We had to add this fail because it is so simple. It’s nothing more than a typo on the t-shirt of a street vendor. If you don’t look fast enough, you can miss it. We’ve always wanted to go to Massachubatts. This time of year is said to be lovely. That’s way too honest! While most of us have undoubtedly peed in a pool at some point in our lives, we should all be mature enough to understand that it is not socially acceptable. Instead of hiding the fact, one guy chose to flaunt it on his t-shirt.

Favorite Hat

While it’s a good message, we do see a few issues. What if you have no favorite hat? What happens if you misplace your beloved hat? Is it just when you’re wearing your favorite hat that you can smile? These and other questions may never be answered.