Tee Shirts That Are Funny For Us and Embarrassing For Them

These tees may be the ideal complement to any outfit…or a piece of clothing that destroys it. Triangles for Hipsters To begin with, the state of Texas is not shaped like a triangle. Second, when did triangles become trendy? Is there a big joke missing here? What store made the decision to offer this shirt? … Read more

These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Photos Ever Taken On Planes

Air travel is exciting because it represents a fresh start and a chance to explore new places. Whether you’re jetting out on a business trip or taking the family on vacation, the prospect of seeing the world and meeting interesting people is enough to keep anyone laughing. Plus, there will be some great comic relief … Read more

We’re Still Talking About These Comic-Con Costumes That will Blow Your Mind

Folks, it’s that time of year again… Comic-Con! Although it began as a comics convention, the world’s largest geek-culture festival is now known for its celebrity visits, exclusive previews, and stunning fan costumes and cosplay. Each year, guests try to outdo each other with ever more extravagant, outlandish, humorous, and odd costumes, leaving the rest … Read more

The Funniest Attempts at Living Captured on Film

We’ve all had horrible days or done something incredibly dumb from time to time, but now more than ever, thanks to social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, the entire world can share in your humiliation. We’ve compiled a wonderful selection of the finest examples of poor critical thinking. Take a look, and have fun … Read more

Teachers Share Their Most Hilarious Workplace Faux Pas

Teachers are some of the world’s hardest-working people who are also severely undervalued. What do they get in return for working day and night tirelessly to prepare and provide lessons, care for children, and entertain them? They’re mocked, that’s for sure! To cheer you up, we’re going to do just that: go down some of … Read more

Gorgeous and Motivating Mixed-Celebrity Couples

When it comes to relationships, there are no restrictions, unlike many other things in life. There are no limits, no hues, no sects, no traditions. Yes, the globe is awakening, and yes, today’s world is radically different from one hundred years ago.View a few beautiful couples we have discovered to see how lovely and inspiring … Read more

The Shortest Hollywood Marriage And Their Consequences

It’s far more complicated than it seems to find true love in Hollywood. Yes, the dating pool is filled with gorgeous, successful, wealthy people, but so is your rivalry. This is the reason Hollywood marriages are criticized for peaking too soon and dissipating too abruptly.We’re sure you can think of a few names of famous … Read more