You think you’re tough, but you’re not

People with tattoos of knives and other weapons are not that rare. It makes sense to want to get a tattoo of your favourite thing. Strange things about this tattoo are the shaky lines and the strangely thick shading on the knife handle. The person who got this tattoo probably already looks tough, because this isn’t doing anything to scare anyone away.
This one…works in a strange way

This tattoo got on the list because it is so funny. The tattoo itself is done well. All of the details and shading are right where they should be. This is a fail because, even though it’s funny, this tattoo has to look really stupid in real life. Do you think he feels bad about it? I, for one, would show it off every chance I could. Even if it’s the middle of winter, if you have a scary manbaby tattoo on your chest, you can take your shirt off any time.