Signs (2002)

Also, besides being M. One of Mel Gibson’s most notable roles before he was flooded with negative press was in “Signs,” one of M. Night Shyamalan’s best pictures. At one very unsettling point in the film, we see the alien on film. The scary beast is seen waiting in a Mexican alley. The short length of the sequence has prompted many viewers to pause it.
Scanners (1981)

Although “Scanners” may not be as well-known as some of the other movies on this list, it has still gained a dedicated following since its first release in the early 1980s. Many scanners focus on the challenges of coping with psychic abilities. Please don’t let this spoil for you, but the next scene has been paused many times because of the graphic violence. To illustrate, someone’s head explodes while stuffed with ground beef and ketchup, as is customary in horror films from the 1980s.