Episode IV: A New Hope is a Star Wars film (1977)

If you’re not the biggest Star Wars fan, you can’t deny that the first films set a new standard. It’s hard to forget the unforgettable cinematic experience provided by these films, which have everlasting themes.
There’s a scene in A New Hope that’s strongly etched in our memories. In this scene, a group of Stormtroopers come off of a cargo ship. What, then, is it about this setting that makes it so special? It’s not at all what you may think it would be! Stormtrooper takes a blow to the head!
Sequel to Deadpool (2018)

The success or failure of a movie often hinges on cameo appearances. Regarding “Deadpool 2,” a cameo appearance added a lot of intrigue to the action flick. We all had to take a moment to ourselves and reflect after we realised who made this cameo appearance in the film. Vanisher, the protagonist, unwittingly steers himself into a cluster of live wires. Unfortunately, this leads to his death by electrocution. To our surprise, it turns out that Brad Pitt plays the Invisible Man.