The Temple of Doom (1981)

There are a lot of reasons why “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is such a popular film. In the first place, it was one of the movies that gave us a fresh perspective on Harrison Ford. One of the most frequently paused scenes in the history of films is also a factor. Paul Freeman, in his role as Belloq, delivers a monologue during filming. A fly lands on his mouth while he talks. Following this, the actor puts the critter in his mouth. This is a time to pause and reflect.
Fiction, Pulp (1994)

It would not be complete without a Quentin Tarantino film. It’s no wonder that, given his reputation for non-linear storytelling, “Pulp Fiction” is notorious for its many inconsistencies. In what is undoubtedly the film’s most memorable sequence, Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent (John Travolta) manage to avoid being fired at by a sniper hiding in a restroom. The bullet holes in the wall behind them were already there before the shootout, as some observers saw.