Club de Lucha (1999)

Some films have become instant classics without intending to do so. The movie “Fight Club” is on that list. Anyone who has seen this film would agree that it contains many powerful and moving scenes. It takes a few minutes into the film before we receive a proper introduction to Brad Pitt’s character, Tyler Durden. This film uses a subliminal effect so brief that you might miss it if you blinked. Tyler comes on screen for one single frame.
Psycho (1960)

It’s possible that “Psyhco” was the pioneering example of a subgenre of horror films. The picture from 1960 has set the bar for these kinds of movies ever since. However, there is a scene that demands your full attention. This shot from the film depicts Norman Bates with his mother’s visage placed on top of his own. Many people wanted to witness the disturbing picture again to be sure they weren’t hallucinating.