Padma Lakshmi’s Scar

Padma Lakshmi has now come to terms with her scars, despite her past attempts to hide them. Padma’s most prominent scar is on her arm, and it was sustained in a vehicle accident when she was 14 years old. The model initially tried to hide the scar by covering her arm in her photographs or by using heavy makeup. The scar used to bother her, but now she embraces it as an integral part of her identity. If someone could wave a magic wand and make my scar disappear, I doubt I would choose to have it removed.
No Belly Button for Patricia Heaton

The belly button of Everybody Loves Raymond star Patricia Heaton has mysteriously vanished and reappeared at various times in her life. The actress has had multiple tummy tucks, which she says has resulted in a constantly shifting stomach and belly button. Patricia now appears to have a belly button after her most recent plastic surgery job. I don’t know. Potentially the one that sticks around!