Tom Hardy with a Finger Folded

It was his choice to have Tom Hardy’s pinky permanently twisted, as it might have gone any way. Using a kitchen knife improperly led to the actor’s pinky tendon being severed. Though he has had several operations to attempt to repair his Finger, he still has trouble moving it normally, and his pinky has been permanently bent. Tom, unwilling to jeopardise his career, opted to get surgery that would leave the Finger permanently bent. This would allow him to continue acting in combat scenes.
Crooked Jaw: Tyler Posey

Tyler Posey has a crooked jaw that is visible to the naked eye, but he has opted to remain silent about it. Tyler wasn’t born with a crooked jaw, as evidenced by photos of him as a toddler in which his jawline is straight. But he has not yet explained what happened to his face. Fans have speculated that young Tyler died in a bicycle accident. As for the origins of the rumour, we have no idea, although that may be as good as any other theory.