Finger Dislocation for Shawn Marion

The pinky finger of Shawn Marion is severely dislocated. But he hasn’t tried to fix it, and he’s still playing professional basketball. Shawn said he regularly dislocates his Finger while playing sports, and that it’s not worth mending.
The sportsman lost a finger for the first time when he was only nine years old. Shawn’s pinky knuckle is permanently swelled and disfigured at this stage. Even though Shawn has injured his Finger several times while playing basketball, he continues to play.
Scarred Face Seal

At age 23, Seal started getting scars on his face. Despite popular belief, the singer’s scars are not a result of his lupus but rather the side effects of the medication he needed to control it. In any case, Seal seems to be completely healthy at this point. These scars on his face, though, will never go away. Even so, he seems to have no objections! When asked what she thinks “makes art,” the singer replied, “I feel that in all kinds of creativity there has to have been some initial difficulty.”