There isn’t enough room for three

Relationships sometimes require us to make certain compromises. One person realized they needed to leave their hometown if they wanted to live with their partner. But they’d been together for ten years, so there was nothing to be concerned about, right? Everything seemed to be going swimmingly until they discovered the gorgeous property they had fallen in love with was really his gift to his new fiancĂ©e. He should have mentioned her before starting the house hunt.
The fifteenth time’s a charm

Imagine this person’s surprise when they arrived at a speed dating event and discovered they were the only guy in the room. They suddenly had the opportunity to meet 14 women with no competition. The odds were on his side. Surely he’d hit it off with at least one of them and end up with a date at the end of the night? While he was thinking about a number of the women, the feeling wasn’t mutual. It came out that all 14 women preferred to be single – boo.