A memorable birthday

Breaking up with someone is rarely easy. However, there is a time and a place for everything. The likelihood is that someone’s 21st birthday is neither of those. They not only decided to dump someone on their birthday, but they also decided to do it at 4 a.m. This ensured that the birthday person had a wonderful day. On a milestone birthday, who doesn’t want to become single, have a party canceled, deliver two presentations, and move back home with their parents?
Taking advantage of the opportunity

Online dating has taken over the world. People from all around the world can now meet and fall in love. While it has been the beginning of many wonderful love tales, there are some concerns about meeting someone online. What if they’re not the same in real life? What if we genuinely don’t get along? This individual got off to a terrific start when they hit it off with their date. That is, until they discovered they were just second-best in his view. At the very least, he paid for his portion of the meal?