There is no gender reveal

The Amish, like many others, place a high emphasis on their children. They consider children to be God’s gifts. As a result, children are highly valued and well cared for by the community. The Amish believe that the only treasures they can carry to heaven are children. The Amish, on the other hand, avoid discussing pregnancy. They also loathe discussing the baby-making procedure due to their inherent discretion and humility. Celebrating pregnancy milestones goes against Amish principles. Gender reveal parties would be awful.
What occurs during Rumspringa remains in Rumspringa

Rumspringa is a time for Amish teenagers to reflect on their place in Amish society by venturing out and experiencing the world on their own terms. Some people go crazy and try everything the world has to offer. Though some of these teenagers do not return, those who do are greeted as if nothing had happened. Whatever happened during Rumspringa is quickly forgiven and forgotten by the Amish when the kid returns to his community. Returning youths can return to their families and resume their normal lives, having been completely forgiven for whatever crimes they committed during Rumspringa, even if they did not follow the principles of Ordnung.