The Amish follow a clothing code

The Amish not only follow a set of rules on how to live, but they also dress according to their culture’s standards. In contrast to the majority of society, where people’s fashions are constantly evolving, the Amish have worn the same garments their forefathers wore for centuries. Though it may sound archaic, this guideline is really about adhering to a plain and straightforward way of life. It adds values less of what is visible on the exterior. The Amish cherish what exists on the inside. Their style primarily demonstrates their humility. A simple muted hat and outfit are sufficient for females.
Amish accept some technology

It is widely assumed that the Amish have avoided all technological advances. However, this is not the case. Though many families want to live without any technology, this is not the case for all Amish households. Some people truly believe in the advantages of technology. Some people prefer candlelight and traditional cooking methods. However, some Amish people have chosen to keep their food fresh by using refrigerators. Generators are even used by some to power these and other electronic equipment. Some farmers employ propane-powered forklifts to help them with their tasks.