Personal development is symbolized by the growth of facial hair

For the Amish, beard hair indicates a change in marital status. Young men aren’t supposed to have beards. This is one of their culture’s rules, according to the Ordnung. A beard on a senior citizen can only signify one thing. When an Amish man marries, he swears on the day of his wedding not just to stay dedicated to his bride, but also to keep his beard for the rest of his life. This is why young Amish men do not wear beards, but married men are required to grow one. No one is permitted to wear a mustache.
They speak in their own tongue

The Amish use English as their primary mode of communication. It is the language they use to communicate with those outside of their own community. The Amish learn English from a young age. They do, however, have their own language, which they mostly speak in the privacy of their own houses. Many Amish villages in North America speak a language called Pennsylvania Dutch. This is an Amish-specific communication method, often known as Low German. Some regard it as an obsolete language, but it is still very much alive on Amish tongues.