The Amish are excused from military service

The Amish have long held the notion that violence is never the solution to a problem. As a result of this misconception, no Amish individual has ever served in the military. The US government recognized the Amish position and excused them from being drafted. The exemption guarantees that no Amish will ever serve on the front lines of a war. They were raised to believe that violence should never be used against anyone, and these gentle people have always enjoyed a peaceful life free of tension or war.
Amish dolls with no faces

Amish women, like women in other cultures, clean their homes and cook for their families. They also produce dolls. The absence of faces distinguishes Amish dolls from other types of dolls. The dolls are dressed like Amish but have no faces. Why is this the case? Some feel this is due to a design flaw. The Amish, on the other hand, confirm that the faceless dolls are on purpose. They think that in God’s view, all humans are created equal. The faceless figures reflect how the Supreme Being sees everyone the same way.