The Amish believe in accountability

Amish people strive to be law-abiding citizens, yet they are not ideal humans. They make mistakes just like everyone else. The Amish, on the other hand, follow the Meidung order when it comes to people who commit mistakes in their community. Anyone who violates a community rule has two options: admit their error and apologize to those they have offended. They must face the repercussions if they do not. If they chose the latter, the offender will be shunned by the community and forced to leave.
Amish versus Amish

Not everything in this world is a bed of roses, and the Amish way of life is no exception. Some Amish persons, whether intentionally or inadvertently, violate the law and must be dealt with by authorities. In 2011, such an incident occurred, and some Amish men were imprisoned. The group appeared to be at odds with another Amish community. The brawl erupted because one group believed the other group was not upholding traditional norms. One group opted to take control of the situation. They broke into their adversaries’ homes and shaved the men’s beards.