Everything will be passed down to the youngest

While most countries practice passing down money or any form of inheritance to the eldest son, the Amish conduct things differently inside their group. The eldest male kid will not receive the father’s fortune. The Amish require the eldest male son to understand what his father has taught him. These are the abilities that will steer the eldest to a good life and allow him to support his family. Because he has had the least access to his father’s wisdom, the youngest son is anticipated to suffer the most. This is why, in most cases, the youngest inherits.
The Amish are disease-free and healthy

Many people blame the world’s troubles on the fast-paced lifestyle that everyone leads and the bad food choices that people make. Some even attribute the rise in cancer incidence to the modern world’s propensity for unhealthy lifestyles. Surprisingly, the Amish have exceptionally low cancer rates. Many people believe that the Amish’s low cancer rate is related to their healthy lifestyle. They grow their own crops, don’t eat fast food, raise their own animals, and eat organic meat. They also refuse to expose themselves to technology. Furthermore, kids spend a significant portion of their day outside.