Everything Is Not as It Seems

If you take the plane for your daily commute, you should bring a pillow to prevent neck pain from sleeping in your seat. It can save your life and is rather inexpensive to buy in the present day. However, you should exercise caution while selecting the colour of your pillow and where you keep it when out and about. It’s understandable that this image bewildered us at first look.
There is Absolutely No Seating Available

As you prepare for your morning commute, you presumably already know that there is nothing you can do to guarantee a comfy seat, if you even get one. Someone came to the conclusion that they had found a way to make their daily journey more bearable. With the hammock in tow, they didn’t have to worry about finding a seat on the train or resorting to standing for their nap. We have no doubt that the other passengers here shared our enthusiasm.