Autofrisk? Really?

With the increasing power of robots, commuting becomes more of a chore and human beings become less valuable as time goes on. Consider this scenario: a passenger is surprised to learn that she must undergo a pat-down, not by a human guard but by a robot! According to reports, autofrisk is a thing that might be implemented at an airport near you. All you have to do is touch the controls, and the machine will take care of the rest (apparently).
The Time Is Right for a Photograph

The best comedic photos aren’t usually carefully arranged. Instead, the best comedic photos are frequently snapped by random onlookers who happened to have cameras handy at just the right time. Not because of anything humorous they were doing on their own, but because they were in the right place at the right moment. It was the ideal opportunity for the photographer to snap a photo of them with the subway mural depicting a hat hovering above their heads.