Putting In Extra Effort

These days, it’s easy to tell someone’s socioeconomic standing just by looking at the gadgets they own. That’s why plenty of people buy into the newest luxuries when they appear. Clearly, this person wanted to join in on the AirPods craze, but like many others, they quickly learned that although the headphones were convenient, they were also surprisingly simple to misplace. However, he appears to have solved the problem by himself by taping the AirPods to his ears.
Saying “Hey, It’s Me!”

There are several advertisements to read before you even board the train to continue your travel. By itself, these can be hilarious at times. The ad in question here isn’t particularly humorous on its own, but it takes on a comedic quality when you consider who stumbled into it. His resemblance to the ad model is striking, especially given that he is not a prominent person. In fact, he paused to pose for a photo before continuing on with his day.