The Whole Place Is Infested With Crabs

As a New York City commuter, you see a lot of the city and know it well. As a result, it’s likely that whatever you encounter for the first time will surprise you. Consider the word of this commuter. They certainly weren’t expecting to see crabs when they went to board the train one morning. Neither was there a single crab acting on its own in the underground transportation system. Several alive crabs were found in the cluster, and their introduction remains a mystery.
Quite the Unexpected Food Market

You never know what strange sight awaits you on a subway car as you step inside. But remember that you can always be surprised by something brand new. This person had a once-in-a-lifetime experience while visiting Seoul, South Korea. They were pleasantly surprised to see a grocery store as the subway car came up and the doors opened, allowing them to do their shopping without having to stop anywhere along the way.