If we ask you to name the first pair of famous twins that come to mind, you’ll probably say the Olsen twins. The Olsen twins may be some of the most well-known celebrity twins to appear on TV, but they are definitely not the only famous twins out there. But what makes the Olsen twins so special is that they played Michelle Tanner on one of the most popular TV shows of the 1990s, Full House, when they were just babies. They also went on to have their own T.V. shows and movies. Unlike the Olsen twins, only one of many of these other sets of twins has chosen to live a glamorous, famous life. Because of this, the public usually doesn’t know about the second sibling, and fans are often surprised to find out that one of their favourite stars has a twin sibling. Prepare to be astounded by this list as you discover which of your favourite celebrities has a twin.
Rami Malek and Sami Malek

Rami Malek became very well-known after playing Freddie Mercury in “Bohemian Rhapsody,” for which he won an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a British Academy Film Award for best actor. But the actor has been in the show business for a very long time. Before he was the lead singer of Queen, he was Elliot Alderson on the T.V. show “Mr Robot.” Well, it turns out that this super-talented actor has a twin brother! When his twin brother Sami joined him on the “Jimmy Kimmel Live Show,” memes quickly spread all over the internet. The twins can be told apart by the hair on their faces. Rami usually has a clean-cut look, while his brother likes to grow facial hair.