This Is the Letter

Years had passed since Gladys last saw Berniece, but remembering their time together brought a want to reconnect for the mother of three. So she put pen to paper to tell her long-lost daughter the truth. It was all laid out in the note. Soon after, it had been packaged up and sent on its way to Kentucky. Berniece, who was only 19 at the time, was completely unprepared for what she saw when she opened the letter. She would find out who her biological mother was and that she had a sister in Los Angeles who was 12 years old. Even though she would have benefited much from reading this, she almost didn’t get the chance.
Understanding the Facts

After marrying Paris Miracle, Berniece left the house she shared with her father and stepmother. But the post office continued to deliver her mail directly to the house, where Jasper would find it first. “It’s up in the air whether I should hand this over to you or not. It never occurred to me to reveal it to you, at first “that he had written in the letter. “We had a discussion about it, and that included your stepmother and me. We’ve concluded that this is your letter.” Because of the note her mother left her, Berniece was able to find the answers to many of the difficulties that had plagued her the entirety of her life. If Jasper had kept the letter a secret, who knows what would have transpired.