It’s been great knowing you, Marilyn

In August of 1962, tragically, Marilyn died. The word quickly travelled throughout the country. The sudden and unexpected passing of the 36-year-old caught everyone off guard. Many people were perplexed as to what may have transpired. Even though the official cause of death was determined to be a barbiturate overdose, many people still believed that the singer had committed suicide. Not only did this break the hearts of her fans, but Berniece herself was utterly crushed. I don’t think I’ve been the same since,” she said frankly. Not many people were aware of her, but she was the one who had to cope with everything after Marilyn’s death. I picked out her casket and the light green gown she was buried in.
A Lot More Going On Here

Media outlets and fans alike were discussing the allegations surrounding Marilyn’s disappearance. However, Berniece found the rumours to be intolerable. Because she had spoken to her not long before, she speculated that the incident may have been accidental. “She was looking forward to so much… she was overjoyed.” After Berniece revealed her true identity, media outlets flocked to speak with her. “Many writers approached my mum,” Mona Rae, her daughter, recalled. Despite this, her mother “didn’t trust their motives and couldn’t know whether the hours she committed to the project would merely bring more misery.”