A Young Boy Is Confined Within A Clear Plastic Bubble

To say that John Travolta’s breakthrough role was in 1976’s The child in the plastic bubble would be an understatement. The main character, Tom, who was played by Travolta, is born with a weak immune system. Because of his compromised immune system, he needs to have his freedom severely curtailed. Tod, who is eager to broaden his horizons, walks around in a plastic bubble. As he ventures out into his new neighbourhood, he meets and falls for Gina, a neighbour who lives in the house next door. Tod takes a chance on his relationship with Gina after realising he is now immune to the effects of his previous isolation. No, it wasn’t between Travolta and the woman who portrayed Gina on set, since they got along famously. On the contrary, Travolta was engaged to the actress Diana Hyland, who played Tod’s mother. This was the first of several scandals involving Travolta and his romantic relationships.