It’s Time to Change Careers!

As a result, Vayntrub focused her adolescent years on her schooling. She also fared well: she excelled in her proficiency tests earlier than expected and chose to pursue a university education instead. Vayntrub went on to graduate from California University and proudly accepted her communication degree from the San Diego campus. Although Vayntrub’s behind-the-scenes efforts could have compromised them, it appears as though she was born to be in those AT&T advertisements.
Making the Transition to the Improv World

As a result, Vayntrub did not abandon her career as an actress, but rather pursued it in a new direction. Instead of watching TV, she concentrated on refining her improv skills. To prepare for this, she joined a Brigade called Upright Citizens. This is the well-known comedic group that catapulted Amy Poehler, who appeared on Parks and Recreation, and many other improv trainees to celebrity status.