What brought her family to the United States?

Vayntrub and her family have experienced numerous sacrilegious attacks in Uzbekistan due to her Jewish origin. As a result of their country’s political attitude, they agreed to seek sanctuary in the United States. However, the process was not quick, and they were held up in two different European countries at various stages during the process. The family eventually made it to America, where Vayntrub, then two years old, grew up.
…And So Began My Prosperous Career!

Surprisingly, the former asylum seeker has gone on to have a successful acting career. Vayntrub first appeared in an advertisement when he was five years old, ironically for a telecoms firm. She also did not have to wait a long time to get a television show place. She starred as an ailing patient named Tatiana in the popular hospital series E.R., alongside then-eligible bachelor George Clooney and Julianna Margulies. Clooney’s attractiveness so captivated the youngster that she constantly asked him to her home. How adorable!