What Keeps Attracting Viewers

According to Hank Perlman, Milana’s Lily is popular with viewers because she portrays her as a multifaceted character in a way that is exceptional for advertising. He works as a director for the Hungry Man agency, which shot many of the advertisements. He goes on to say that they try hard to depict her not just as a humorous person, but also as a forceful, clever, and empathetic persona. And, ideally, she should be as relatable as feasible for a 30-second ad slot character.
The Parody That Went Wrong

Amy Schumer, a well-known actress and comedian, thought the commercial series was worth parodying. Schumer’s sketch, on the other hand, did not impress Vayntrub. “Ultimately,” Vayntrub told Ad Week, “I have a real feminist issue with it.” “Are you going to play this character dumb in order to portray her?” That’s just lazy.” But it didn’t end there.