When there is a commercial break, most individuals will switch stations to check what is on other media. When it’s the new AT&T commercial, however, your attention is likely to be drawn. Especially any of the well-known sequels starring Lily Adams, the endearing store clerk who manages to make phone plans entertaining and interesting.
You watch the rest of the commercial and begin to wonder about the actress who plays Lily. Milana Vayntrub is her name, and she is a wise woman. She has an interesting personal life. You’d be astonished to learn what Milana gets up to when the cameras are turned off.
Who is the woman behind Lily?

In many ways, Vayntrub’s genuine persona resembles that of her famous on-screen counterpart. Lily, the store manager, is endearing and has a lot more depth than other commercial characters. During her time in AT&T commercials, we’ve grown to know Lily very well. However, Vayntrub, like everybody else, has aspects of her personal life that may surprise the large majority of spectators.