René cried during Céline’s audition

Our favourite musicians touch our souls and connect with us emotionally, which is why we love to listen to them. Céline Dion and René Angélil were a natural fit. Céline claimed in an interview that René cried during her audition. The talent manager decided quickly, and Céline left the studio with a contract. He knew she’d be a star and wanted to be as involved as possible in her achievement. René realised they faced a long and difficult voyage because Céline was young and couldn’t speak English. Still, the two were committed from the start, and they lived together until René’s death.
First musical success sparked Céline’s marriage

Céline’s childhood was difficult. She was up in an impoverished family and was branded a “vampire” by her peers for her slender face. Her musical relatives helped her break into the profession. Her mother and brother, Jacques, penned a song Céline sang. She wanted to establish a music career but had no prospects. Thérèse Tanguay Dion, Céline’s mother, recognised her musical talents and worked hard to expose her to as many producers and managers as possible. The young singer’s skill made it hard for prospects to overlook her. A successful music producer and talent manager noticed her and offered her a chance to prove herself, which she accepted with her mother’s aid. René Angélil, Céline’s future husband and manager, was her producer and manager.